CSE Vision – Part 2 (deployment and webcam feed)


Part 2 is now complete 🙂

Took a while due to nobody being here… Who needs holidays anyway? I mean really now. 😛

The website has been deployed to a local web server meaning that everyone can now access it from anywhere on any device:


Lecturers all have access to their accounts and are able to update their availability in real time:

Availability updater as seen from mobile

View from mobile phone

The PC in the lobby now starts up automatically after power failures and starts Chrome in full screen mode with the web page displayed.

Also, I have just installed a webcam and set up a live feed of the lobby. Useful for the secretary and for staff wanting to see who is waiting to see them. Have a peek below (it does not seem to update on Internet Explorer though – why would you be using IE anyway???):


Removed this firstly due to eyspyfx no longer existing and secondly due to privacy issues. The webcam feed is now only available on the local network and running at a much better frame rate.


When we get a USB extension cable we’ll move the camera to the corner of the room.

Up next:

Testing out the magnetic switches that will be attached to the doors. Yes they have arrived 🙂 :

Magnetic switch

I would also like to make my own web feed instead of using eyespyfx (will get a much better frame rate locally if I do that) but we’ll see if I get time for that.



