Proportional Control Example


When learning about different control strategies it often helps to see the strategy in action.
I therefore made a Processing sketch for my students to play around with that illustrates proportional control applied to a motor.
You can see the sketch in action here:
Click me! I’ll take you where you want to go!

The white triangle simulates the angle of a motor (Process Variable – this would be the feedback of a real life system provided by a potentiometer for example)
The red line is used to visualise the set point
Click the left mouse button to create a new set point at the angle you clicked at.

The system will then use proportional control to get the motor’s angle to match the set point’s angle.

You can also press the top left button to turn the simulated friction on and off.
Note how proportional control cannot overcome that friction by itself and remember how integral control is used to solve the problem by generating an output that increases in magnitude based on the length of time that the error exists!


Smoothing with an auto-tiling algorithm

Ok, so my latest experiment was implementing a 2D auto-tiling or smoothing algorithm without using any actual tile sets.

You can see it in action here:

As I used no tile sets, all tiles are drawn solely via a couple of Processing’s basic drawing functions. Namely rect() and quad().
I’ve left the grid view on so that one can more clearly see the effect that placing a tile has on the surrounding tiles quadrants.

The algorithm that I implemented can be seen here:

This algorithm makes smoothing easy!


Random Draw

First experimental type thing complete!

–Click To See Random Draw–

I decided to mess around with the random function in Processing and see just how random it is and if it is “equally” random (you’ll see what I mean just now).

User Interaction

I wanted to make it slightly more interesting by allowing the user to affect the graphical output without affecting the purpose of the sketch.
Users can use the mouse scroll wheel to dynamically change the size of the circles that are drawn to screen.
They can also click on the “Change Mode” button to change how the circles are drawn to the screen.
In one mode they are drawn uniformly to the screen in rows, in another they are drawn to random x,y co-ordinates and in yet another they are drawn at the location of the mouse cursor.

Once the user is done messing around with it they can click the “Submit” button which stops the process and sends all the data to the database.

What It Does

So what this sketch does is it generates circles in random colours and then draws them onto the screen in a variety of ways.
Each colour consists of Red, Green and Blue (RGB) components. Now these individual R, G and B values are generated by Processing’s random() function. Each component randomed individually for every circle.
The program then checks to see which colour component of the circle was the largest (R,G or B) and increments the appropriate counter.
A circle is drawn with R(200), G(164) and B(234). Blue has the highest value so the blue counter is incremented.
There are counters for Red, Green, Blue, Shades of grey, Black and white.
Shades of grey are colours where all 3 RGB values are equal but not equal to 0 or 255.
When they are all 0 it means a black circle will be drawn and the black counter is incremented and when they are all 255 a white circle is drawn and the white counter is incremented.

It is interesting to note how rarely the pure black and pure white colours are generated.
So far the R, G and B counters seem to always be relatively equal which of course should be the case statistically.
